Open Systems Ltd.

Business Solutions

Retail Solutions - Jewellery Store

POS Solution for Jewellery Stores
Jewellery Stores always sell different jewelry products such as Rings, Earrings, Bracelet, Pendant, Necklace etc. that each beautiful product could be so unique because of their different material, stones, style, and class, etc., it could greatly raise the workload of daily inventory and business analysis could become difficult. To be able to manage goods receive, replenishment and doing business analysis more effectively, a good POS / Retail Management System to manage inventory and analysis is very important.

Challenges of Jewellery Store

Able to handle large number of Items

Each Item is always unique but may look so similar

Able to get the latest stock information anytime to rapidly manage hit items replenishment

Able to establish good relationship with customers

Require multi-languages and multi-currencies for cross-region Chain Stores operation

Solutions for Jewellery Store

Item Management

Provide an easy way to create similar Items but with different materials and components

Enquiry Inventory for similar Jewellery Items

Analysis Sale and Inventory based on Jewellery materials and components

Enhanced logistic Operation

Provide a fast and easy way to input Jewellery Items in different logistic operations such as Purchase, Stock Receive, Replenishment, and Distribution, etc.

Comprehensive Items handling

Single items may contains multiple barcode

Faster data input by importing Items information from pre-defined file format

Effective CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Provide Membership management to enhance customer loyalty and increase sales

Provide Members Discount handling

Provide Members Bonus Points handling

Easy to select members and print mailing labels based on user criteria (e.g. Member Group, Purchase History, etc.)

Analysis on Members sales to understand company's customer group and their purchase behaviour

More for Chain Store operation

Support multi-languages (English, Traditional Chinese, & Simplified Chinese) and multi-currencies.

Support different kind of Logistic operations (e.g. Centralized Distribution, Stock Receive from Supplier, etc.)

Fast checking on latest stock information via Internet